Adaptogenic Herbs Benefits

What are adaptogens?

Adaptogens include a variety of different natural medicines from all of the globe that have a few things in common: They are safe and they have a balancing effect on hypothalamic-pituitary-endocrine axis. This is the delicate border between your brain and hormone system.

Brain-adrenal (HPA) axis, brain-thyroid (HPT) and brain-gonadal axis (HPG) are needed to work in perfect harmony for a metabolism, healthy mood, energy, sex drive, and immune system. When your HP axis is unbalanced it leads to hormone problems like adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems, and libido issues.

This is where the balancing power of adaptogens comes. As they all have a hormone-balancing quality to them they all have their own unique strengths as well. The adaptogens work by themselves or synergistically with other complementary adaptogens. You can mix these into your coffee, make a caffeine-free tonic, or blend them into your daily smoothie.

You have to know exactly which adaptogen is right for your current ailment. Be sure how each feels for your individual body.

How do adaptogens work?

Adaptogens work at a molecular level by regulating a stable balance in the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands. These are involved in the stress response. They work by “hacking” the stress response in the body. Typically, when our bodies are stressed, we go through three stages of stress:

  • alarm phase
  • phase of resistance
  • phase of exhaustion

As we encounter a stressor — say we start lifting weights — our body responds by kicking out hormones like adrenaline that improve muscle performance and increase our ability to concentrate and pay attention to the task at hand in the phase of resistance. Our body is literally resisting the stressor, so we feel energized and clearer, thanks to our body giving us a boost to fight the stressor.

And then, as we fatigue, we enter in the exhaustion phase. Adaptogens basically stretch out that “sweet spot” in the middle — the phase of resistance — allowing us to hang out in the powerful part longer.

Adaptogens have been studied in both animals and isolated neuronal cells. Researchers have found they have several effects on the body:

  • neuroprotective elements
  • anti-fatigue properties
  • antidepressive effects
  • stimulant for central nervous system
  • increase mental work capacity
  • enhance attention
  • prevent stress and fatigue